Tag: Baby Jesus

Merry Christmas from Personhood FL, Every Baby is a Gift from God

Living Nativity Indian River Presbyterian Church Fort Pierce Fl 2011

At this time of year, we remember the Christ child. Conceived by an unwed young girl and born in a lowly manger, the circumstances of his conception and birth could easily be described a crisis pregnancy, yet Jesus was and is the greatest gift of all.

Every child is a gift from God, regardless the circumstances surround her conception and birth. While not every child is planned or comes under perfect circumstances, every child is a blessing, for every child bears God’s image reminding us of how valuable we are to Him! How His heart must break when we despise His gift and seek abortion to kill the precious gift of God in the womb.

Our founding fathers recognized that “all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights among which are life