Don’t Let Them Steal This Election! Sign the Petition to Accurately Count Votes!

Hanging Chads BallotI’m sure you’ve heard of the shenanigans that seem to be going on in south Florida supervisor of elections offices. The number of votes that separate US Senate candidate, Governor Rick Scott from US Senator Bill Nelson went from 57,000 votes the night of the election to 38,000 the next morning before going down to 15,000. At the same time, two FL Counties repetitively increased the number of votes they reported were cast. Broward County originally reported that 634,000 votes were cast election day. That number has now grown to over 712,000! What’s more, previously disqualified ballots were mixed in with qualified ballots!

Sign the Petition to Accurately Count Votes today!

Petition to Accurately Count Votes

FL Secretary of State, Florida Division of Elections, and County Supervisor of Elections,

As a registered FL Voter, I am concerned that voter fraud may be happening in certain FL Counties, and I petition that every vote legally cast by 7 pm, November 6, 2018, by a registered FL voter who is a citizen of the United States and resident of Florida be counted, that said ballots are only counted with one vote per race, per ballot cast, that no votes by any non-citizen be counted, that no votes received after 7 pm, November 6, 2018, be counted, and that no provisional ballots where the voter did not prove his or her identity be counted.

(Your email address will not be shared with government offices as a part of this petition.)

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