Category: News

PersonhoodFL scholarship for Christian Entrepreneurship Program

Featured on this broadcast is one of the PersonhoodFL sponsors, Mrs. Brenda MacMenamin. As a home schooling mom, she designed a dual enrollment program for her children, at her husband’s request for his children to receive a college education in business. For more information on the Christian Entrepreneurship Program and to see how you can earn the Personhood scholarship….

Become a Personhood Missionary

There is an army of LIFE forming to Battle for the Hearts and Minds of this Nation and

Those who are being “Unjustly Sentenced to Death” need You!

Make it a Personhood National day of Prayer

Come join us locally in Saint Lucie County, or wherever you are at your local events, to pray to God for abortion to end and “to petition the government for a redress of grievances” for government, tax funded abortion especially. Bring your clip and petitions, let’s include the pre-born, elderly and the disabled in our prayers.

Pennie Richwine shares her heart on PersonhoodFL

Pennie, the director of Open Door House of Prayer shares the responsibility we have to share Truth with those in crisis pregnancies that abortion is murder. She urges support of Personhood to protect the pre-born and their mothers by love and by law.

Pastor Jeff Steffel shares with pastors about Personhood

Jeff Steffel urges pastors and leaders to be intentional about searching the scripture for the heart of God on abortion to be able to bring healing to their hurting congregations. Jer 22:16 says about the king, “He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?” declares the LORD.

Personhood FL Action Team hits 12th & Delaware

The Corner of 12th&Delaware has the only abortion chamber in 5 counties. It is in a black neighborhood. Did you know that more black babies are murdered by abortion every four days than our black brothers and sisters were ever murdered by the Ku Klux Klan? It is time to end Black Genocide. Down load the petition and have all your friends sign it- mail it to the address at the bottom. Let’s “Defend LIFE”!

Coverage on Missionaries to the Pre-born

Missionaries to the Pre-born travel through Florida defending Life

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer to Congresswoman Nancy Pelossi:

“Thank you for clarifying for all U.S. Catholics the meaning of the word ‘apostasy’ “

Personhood FL Tour Distributes Over 3,000 Pieces of Literature in Hispanic, Black, and White Neighborhoods in Miami

The day started in a Hispanic neighborhood on a street in front of an abortion mill and the Hialeah Senior High School where 3,000 students drove past large signs of born, preborn, and aborted babies. The missionaries were able to distribute 2,000 pieces of literature to students, pedestrians, and stopped cars. Some even signed the Personhood FL constitutional petition right on the street! The missionaries also went into the abortion mill…

Why Do We Show Pictures of PreBorn and Aborted Babies?

If abortion is so horrible that we can’t stand to look at pictures of the mutilated babies, should we really tolerate it? You see, without the pictures, we can easily go about our ordinary business and forget that we allow 1,200,000 baby girls and boy per year in the US, 88,000 in Florida, and 1,000 in St Lucie County to be brutally murdered. Without the pictures, it’s easy to forget that we allow the blood of the shedding of more than 52,000,000 preborn children in America while we go to work, school, church, play, etc. Without the pictures, it’s easy to forget that the prosperity that we have enjoyed since abortion became legal has been earned by ignoring the precious children who were fearfully and wonderfully made in the secret places of their mother’s womb yet face the threat of death by abortion. (See Psalm 139.) How long can we expect God to withhold His judgment from America? …