Tag: Constitutional Amendment

Happy Mother’s Day from Personhood FL

Thank You Mom for Choosing Life

Where Would you be without your mother? Without your mother bearing you in her womb, you wouldn’t be here today, and without care after birth, you also wouldn’t be here.
Certainly, we owe our lives to our mothers. Aren’t you glad your mother chose life? I know I am.

Yet today, motherhood is under attack! Young women are often taught that children are a

National Day of Prayer This Thursday: Cry Out to God for America! Pray to End Abortion!

National Day of Prayer

Thursday, May 2, 2013, is the National Day of Prayer. In 2 Chronicles 7:13-14, we read, “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (NKJV)

If there has ever been a time in America’s history where we need to turn back to God, this is the time! Will you join Personhood FL in

Liberty Counsel’s Mathew Staver Renews Support for the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment

Mathew Staver Signs Florida ProLife ProLife Petition

Personhood FL is pleased to announce that the Liberty Counsel’s Mathew Staver has renewed his support for and endorsement of the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment with the following endorsement: “I strongly support Personhood Florida and applaud their efforts to pass a personhood amendment in Florida. Liberty Counsel is pleased to represent Personhood USA throughout America. The right to life is the right of all rights. Without the right to life all other rights are meaningless.

National Day of Repentance and Intercession

As you know the National Day of Prayer is fast approaching. What is near and dear to our hearts is to end the national sin of abortion.

Did Your Pastor Preach a ProLife Sermon Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, 2013?

Pastor Jeff Steffel ProLife Personhood Sermon

Did your pastor preach a prolife sermon Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, 2013? Take our poll below to let us know; take time to encourage your pastor; share links to your pastor’s prolife sermon; and listen to our prolife sermon of the week by Pastor

40 Years and 55 Million Babies since Roe V. Wade!

In 1973 I exercised my “right to choose” and this year my child would be 40 years old…

Joshua & Caleb and the 2013 Land of LIFE and that Abundantly

We have a beautiful promise, that if we repent, He will relent. (Joel 2) He only needs a Gideon’s army. What if only 300 of us each call 10 churches this week and ask them to petition this Sunday, for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. What if we then continue to call 10 churches each week. Surely there are 300 of us who will do this!

Happy New Year from Personhood FL

We want to thank you for your help, for your prayers and for your donations from this past year!

Merry Christmas from Personhood FL

Have you ever wondered how Joseph & Mary must have felt to be in a “crisis pregnancy,” when such a situation was met with stoning in their culture!

Happy Thanksgiving from Personhood FL. Aren’t You Thankful Your Mother Chose Life!

Happy Thanksgiving from Personhood FL. Aren’t you thankful your mother chose life? I know I am. I’m also thankful that abortion was illegal in my state when I was born. Wouldn’t it be nice if abortion were illegal today? Well, it can be, and you can help it happen!

I’m thankful that you have