Help Personhood FL Impact FL’s State Legislature!

Meeting with Representative Charles VanZant

Rep Charles VanZant

Personhood Florida will be in Tallahassee today, Monday, March 13 – 15. We’ll be meeting with legislators from all political persuasions and urging them to protect life without exception. If you are able to do so, please register today so that we can get you plugged into the meetings.

You can help Personhood FL make and impact in Tallahassee even if you can’t join us in person!

The first way you can help is to pray. Many of our volunteers have faced attacks on their personal finances and/or health. Some have even lost family members. Please pray for God’s protection on our volunteers and their families as well as God’s provision for those who have answered the call to defend life without exception.

In addition to praying, please call your FL Representative, Senator, and Governor and urge them to defend all innocent human life, without exception. When you call, mention that you are with Personhood FL. (If you don’t know who your representative and senator are, find out here.)

Finally, you can donate to help Personhood FL cover expenses associated with our efforts in Tallahassee, and now you can support Personhood FL when you make purchases on Amazon by clicking this link!

Make sure to watch our facebook pages (Personhood FL and Personhood FL ProLife PAC) for updates and pictures from Tallahassee.