Category: Saint Lucie County

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Cornerstone Pediatrics Stands for Life

Personhood Florida is pleased to announce it’s second ProLife Personhood Hub, Cornerstone Pediatrics. ProLife Personhood Hubs are locations where area citizens and customers can pickup, drop off, and sign the new Florida ProLife Personhood Petition. Businesses, churches, synagogues, prolife pregnancy centers and organizations, schools, civic organizations, etc. can defend life by becoming a ProLife Personhood Hub.

Press Conference Video: Children’s Services Council Cut $500,000 Planned Parenthood Tax Funding

Pastor Bryan Longworth: Four years ago I stood in front of this council and asked them to defund Planned Parenthood, and I was actually the only one at that point; but, thankfully, Dr Hofstee was there with me and got fired up, and what started was just letting people know and informing people that the Children’s Services Council was funding the largest abortion provider. However, even if you would go back a year ago with all the people that we had that came out, I wouldn’t have said that we’d be standing here today and seeing that Planned Parenthood was defunded; however, I do give glory and honor to God for this victory. I believe that His presence was with us. I also want to recognize the work of … Watch the video here

Planned Parenthood Loses $500,000 in St. Lucie Tax Funding

America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood (PP) was axed Thursday by yet another tax funded agency. The latest government entity to ditch the embattled abortion giant was the St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council (CSC), an independent taxing authority in Florida, which has funded PP with grants totaling nearly $4 million since 2002. St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding, led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by organizing pickets and speaking at monthly public forums that eventually led to cessation of funding for PP, which was about $500,000 last fiscal year. The Florida based CSC joined the ranks of Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin who all recently cut Planned Parenthood funding.

According to Dr. Michael Hofstee, an organizer from the