Port Saint Lucie Pastor Nelson speaks on Personhood

Pastor Nelson from Mrs. Brenda MacMenamin on Vimeo.


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  1. Thank you Pastor Nelson for your strong public commitment to the right of the unborn to life. We in NYC and NJ are moving to defeat new NYC Council legislation that would unfairly, severely and specifically restrict the speech of pregancy crisis centers in NYC (these centers educate pregnant girls and women about the effects of abortion and describe alternatives, as well as give free ultrasounds).

    This NYC bill 371 does not restrict any other group’s speech except the crisis pregnancy centers giving alternatives to abortion. We feel this is a blatant infringement of our guaranteed right to speech and a targeting of the crisis pregnancy centers specifically by pro-abortion eugenics lobby in NYC.

    As you know, NYC has the highest abortion rate of any city in the US – twice that of any other city. The NYC abortion rate is 41% of all pregnancies end in abortion! The specific rate for black women is over 60% – you read that right – so that there are many more black babies aborted than born. The figure for latinos is around 50%. Our very racial existence is under attack by eugenicists.

    No wonder abortion mills want to silence opposition: there is a lot of money at stake if we are allowed to continue our vocal personhood and pro-life activities: we get results! Over 80% of pregnant girls and women will keep their babies if given another alternative and particularly if shown an ultrasound of their baby.

    We are pleading with our like-minded pro-life partners throughout the country to rise up in one clear, strong voice to tell the NYC council and the Council Chair Christine Quinn NO! Do not pass this bill! Do not allow the eugenics to continue against out people of color. Please write to Christine Quinn and each NYC Council member and tell them this is a terrible bill and should be stopped.

    Beware: this is a harbinger for the rest of the country. If pro-eugenics forces are successful here in establishing the legal precedent, it will come to YOUR town and state soon. The devil never sleeps and he intends for us to continue to corrupt our souls by the horrible butchery of millions of innocent babies. We cannot sleep, either, in the pursuit of right. Thank you for your help in this war on evil.

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by rosecamoro, Personhood Florida. Personhood Florida said: Post update: Port Saint Lucie Pastor Nelson speaks on Personhood http://bit.ly/eTiZ6E […]

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